Friday, February 5, 2016

The Elvis Presley Knockoff Sandwich

When I was a kid, my favorite lunch was tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. To this day, I still love it. But the other day I hit upon a sandwich idea that just might topple the grilled cheese sandwich's first place status in my heart. It's an adaptation of a sandwich made famous by Elvis Presley featuring peanut butter and bananas.

Elvis' version called for two pieces of white bread, but we tend to use whole wheat bread in our household so that's what's my knockoff version calls for. (Though white bread would be divine. Five demerits to me for having bread lust.) Elvis' version also called for it to be grilled, but mine doesn't. You'll see why in a minute.

Anyway, here's what you do: Take a small banana and mash it with a fork until it's smooshed but still somewhat chunky. Add a teaspoon of brown sugar and 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon to the banana and stir together gently.

Next, slather peanut butter on the pieces of bread (each piece, one side only). Spoon the banana mixture onto one of the slices, spreading it evenly over the peanut butter.

Then -- this is the fun part! -- take a big honkin' dollop of Cool Whip and spread it over the banana mixture. Cover with the second piece of bread, forming a sandwich. Eat it immediately, before the Cool Whip melts, accompanied by a big glass of milk.

Picasso said to make art we must see the world as a child does. This sandwich will catapult you right back to being five years old with its gooey goodness. One bite and visions of crayolas will dance in your head. Just remember to use your napkin and ask to be excused from the table before you bolt for the studio.

©2016 Lynn Edwards

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