Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Three Days of Misery

This photo was taken while the snow was still coming down with no signs of stopping. At this point we "only" had 10 inches of the white stuff. It just snowed, and snowed and snowed!
  You're right, faithful readers, the Thought for Sunday, December 10, 2018 was indeed missing. And no, I hadn't forgotten to post it. It didn't appear because we had been slammed with an epic, unpredicted snow storm here in Georgia that dropped almost 13 inches of snow on our county! Trees toppled like toothpicks under the weight of it, taking power lines along with them. Our power went out just like everyone else's. The electric company worked feverishly to restore service to thousands of homes, while people like me went in circles trying to cope with the loss of our computers, TVs, heating and lights.

Just as soon as the electricity was restored, our telephone land line and Internet service went out. It seems we were among 120+ homes in our part of the county whose U-verse service had gone on on the fritz. But not for hours or even a day. Nope, it was out for three whole days. Talk about going stir crazy!!! Besides posting that Thought for Sunday, I had a ton of work I needed to do on my web site and Etsy shop. Instead I could do nothing but think about all the stuff I should have been doing. It was a real bummer. By the time AT&T managed to get U-verse up and running again I was almost ready for the funny farm.  Sure, I could communicate and surf the internet using my cell phone but the keypad on that cell phone is so tiny it takes me multiple tries just to enter a number or letter correctly.

All is well now. Everything is working the way it should. My blood pressure is back to normal. Three days of electronic deprivation taught me that I'd benefit from joining a computer withdrawal support group. It's obvious that I am addicted to my computer. As addictions go it's probably not as bad as addiction to drugs, booze or sex, but still, it's an addiction. To address it, I'm rationing my computer time and unsubscribing to all the junk I never read that clutters up my inbox  I'm going to be much more careful about how I spend my time. So this week's Thought will remain unexpressed. Next Sunday's Thought will appear as usual. Oops, my time's up!  See you soon!

Text and image ©2017 Lynn Edwards

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