Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Elements and Principles of Design, Revisited.

Came across a very useful book recently that's just too good to keep its title a secret. It's Design Basics (Fourth Edition) by David A. Lauer and Stephen Pentak (Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1995). A textbook that "demystifies the elements, principles and processes of design," it certainly delivers on its promise. The prose is clear and easy to understand, and the authors include plenty of examples and images to illustrate each point covered.

Don't let the fact that it's an older textbook put you off. This book is anything but dry and dull. Matter of fact, it's great fun to read while explaining in plain English (no woo-woo!) what the elements and principles are all about.

As a working artist I've read many books on the elements and principles of design and their application in the making of art. None have been as helpful as Design Basics. I just wish I had read it years ago when I was first learning to paint. Heck, it probably would have cut my learning curve in half.

So if you struggle with composition, are looking to improve your work, or have always found this subject boring, Design Basics is the book for you. And me. The copy I have is borrowed, so I'll have to return it, but I'll be buying one for myself. Soon!

©2014 Lynn Edwards

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