Are there any old magazines laying around your house? Do you have a bin full of leftover collage or scrapbook papers? Don't throw them out! Instead, use them to make art. It's a great way to keep your creativity sharpened, while turning your scraps into small treasures. With a glue stick, scissors and some small supports (watercolor paper scraps, blank artist trading cards, even cut up cereal boxes) you can make postcards, greeting cards and small collages.
I enjoy making note cards, which I use for personal correspondence, or give to studio visitors as mementos. It's easy to whip up several while watching TV at night. Here are some examples of designs I've made using cardstock or watercolor paper as supports, and then affixed to the front of blank note cards:
Magazine images, typography from a sales flyer, collage paper and scrapbook paper were used here |
Scrapbook paper, part of a painted Tyvek envelope, collage papers and a sliver of a photo in an art magazine were used to make this design |
Small pieces of my own hand painted collage papers were used here |
This "landscape" is made entirely from leftover scrapbook papers |
Even old phone books can be useful. The white circular object is a piece of plastic label from a soft drink bottle that was heated using an iron. Parchment paper was inserted between the iron and the label to protect the iron from being damaged. |
Lots of odds and ends from my found paper stash make up this design |
This was made from a single magazine ad. I was drawn by its Matisse-like shapes and bright colors! I simply punched out one inch squares with a paper punch and rearranged them |
The two pieces below were made by cutting out and cutting up typography. Headlines and article titles are good sources of interesting and unusual fonts.
I hope you're inspired to try this form of entertainment if you haven't already. It's quite satisfying to create small works using papers already at your disposal. Making pieces such as these can teach you much about color, composition and other elements of good design. You may even find that creating art from scraps is often more fun and less intimidating than larger, more "serious" works!
Text and images ©2016 Lynn Edwards
Thanks for sharing these, Lynn! I completely agree about the value of making collages. Fun, non-intimidating, and great practice in the elements and principles of art. And sometimes the genesis of a new piece.